MAMAMIKO Preserved Flowers Bouquet - Pink Roses & Flowers for Delivery Prime, Long-Lasting Real Roses Forever, Eternal Roses Bouquet for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Birthday Gifts for Women

$99.00 $108.00
  • Timeless Beauty, Effortless Elegance: Our forever flowers roses are preserved using advanced Japanese eco-friendly technology, maintaining their vibrant color and velvety texture for up to 3 years. No watering or sunlight required, bringing lasting beauty to any space with minimal effort.
  • Unique Gift and Display: This bouquet features 4 oversized roses in pink, purple, or orange, with a sleek white vase. The roses measure 2.36 - 2.76 inches, and the bouquet stands 13.58 inches tall and 8.66 inches wide, with the vase height at 6.5 inches. Unlike most options, our preserved flower bouquet comes with a built-in vase, making it easy to gift or display directly on any countertop or table for instant charm.
  • Sophisticated Packaging & Protection: A personalized message card and a special gift box with a transparent window complete the thoughtful presentation. For extra protection, the flower bouquet is securely packaged in an outer box, ensuring safe delivery without damage. The windowed handle box measures 13.78 x 8.46 x 4.72 inches.
  • Ideal for Display, Allergy-Friendly Fragrance: Our preserved flowers offer a delicate, subtle scent free from pollen, making them perfect for allergy sufferers. Whether in your home or office, their timeless beauty and gentle fragrance will leave a lasting impression without overwhelming the senses.
  • Perfect for Any Occasion: The perfect gift for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, birthdays, Mother’s Day, Christmas, or any special moment. These forever flowers make a heartfelt gift for wives, girlfriends, mothers, grandmothers, and any special woman in your life—adding elegance and charm to every occasion without the hassle of maintenance.
  • Effortless Sophistication: No watering, no sunlight, no upkeep—just enduring elegance that lasts for years. Our bouquet of flowers are a low-maintenance way to enhance any room with natural beauty, creating a graceful atmosphere in your home or office for long-term enjoyment.

花型 / pink

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MAMAMIKO Preserved Flowers Bouquet - Pink Roses & Flowers for Delivery Prime, Long-Lasting Real Roses Forever, Eternal Roses Bouquet for Valentines Day, Mothers Day, Birthday Gifts for Women


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